So, you’ve arranged an in-person exposure with a prospect. Great! Now what? Here’s what to do step-by-step during the sit-down.
Break The Ice With Some Small Talk
This one’s easy. You can start with the weather or another easy-going topic everyone has an opinion on. No need to overthink it. The goal is to warm up the conversation, so just keep it positive, keep it light, and keep it relatable.
Thank Them And Compliment Them
Express genuine gratitude for their willingness to meet with you. Try taking a moment to notice something specific about them or a recent accomplishment you’re aware of and acknowledge that. This personal touch shows that you care and it helps set the tone for the rest of the conversation.
Transition To A “Business” Conversation… With Your Story
After you’ve engaged in a little small talk, now it’s time to get the business part of the conversation going by reminding them, or letting them know, why you invited them to meet with you. You can do this by saying something like:
“Now John, the reason I wanted to meet with you today is because I’d like to have a business conversation with you… but before I dive in, first I want to tell you my story.”

Why You Need To Share Your Story
Stories open up doors, open up empathy, and they open up your Prospect’s receptivity to whatever it is you have to share. They’re also a fantastic way to show your Prospect your vulnerabilities, your challenges, and your successes.
Stories humanize you and make you more than “just a business proposition”. And when a Prospect sees you as a person like them with a history and experiences just like they have, they’re more likely to let their guard down and trust you.
How To Share Your Story Like A Pro
When sharing your story, remember to always use the 4 Part Storytelling Concept:
1. Talk about your background and who you were (and where you were) before you discovered Network Marketing.
2. Talk about what you didn’t like about your situation back then. Was it your job? Your financial situation? Your quality of life?
3. Talk about how you found a solution and that being Network Marketing.
4. Talk about how you’re feeling now and how you’re excited about your future thanks to the opportunities Network Marketing has opened up for you.
Be Prepared To Show “Third-Party Tools”
Have some materials – or Third Party Tools – ready to show your Prospect. Ideally, you want to use something tangible provided by the company like:
- A short video
- Magazines
- Product brochures/pamphlets
- The physical product (if you’re selling physical products)
- A demo
- Have the compensation plan printed out
Have something to show them and point to while you’re educating them. This makes it a whole lot easier for your Prospect to follow along with you while you are explaining the business. The idea here is to be prepared to not have it all be just your words that are bringing the credibility, but coming from a third party, too.
I always show Third Party Tools that showcase:
The product
The company
The compensation plan
The available support
The Timing (why now is the best time)
Your “Call-To-Action”
By this point, you’ve already told your story, shared your Third Party Tools, and answered some questions. Now, it’s time to wrap up the conversation with your “Call-To-Action”.
This is where you ask your Prospect how “hot” or “cold” they are after everything you’ve presented to them. You can guide this conversation by starting with:
“On a scale of 1-10, John, what’s your temperature? Hypothetically, if you got involved even just part-time, how much would you need to earn per month to make this worth your time? How many hours a week could you realistically work? How many months would you be willing to give it? If I could show you how to get the money in the time and the months, would you be willing to take the next step, John?”
That’s what you do during a sit-down. Every. Single. Time.
Don’t worry about being perfect, don’t worry about messing up. Especially if you’re just starting in Network Marketing.
Just focus on following the exact structure I’ve given you above every time you give a presentation, and I promise you, you WILL get better, you WILL get faster, and you WILL get more people to want to take the next step.