
    Being Grateful Can Revive your Network Marketing Business

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    These days we are living in a world built on expectation where many people feel entitled. And no, it’s not just the millennials. When we feel we’ve been inconvenienced in any little way, we often become irritable. If the wi-fi is slow or a car waits just one or two seconds before moving at a green light, we become irritable. We expect instant results, for people to take care of us, and to have things handed to us. This not only applies to our daily lives, but also to our Network Marketing business.

    But what if we let go of expectation and replaced it with gratitude? Instead of expecting our upline to help us with everything, we appreciated them for whatever help they give us. Instead of wishing for different products or a better compensation plan, we appreciated what we have right now. Instead of expecting more recognition, we appreciated whatever recognition we’re getting.

    My friend Tony Robbins says, “When you are grateful, fear disappears and abundance appears.” 

    When we live in a state of gratitude, we let go of our expectations and we put ourselves in a state of contribution and growth. Opportunities, relationships, and even money become more abundant when we remain grateful, no matter what happens in our lives. People who live in gratitude are constantly aware of what’s positive in their life. They enjoy the fruits of their successes, so they seek out more success. And when things don’t go as planned, they are able to put failure into perspective.
    So how do you replace expectation with appreciation? Once a day, every day, think about everything you are grateful for, and watch what happens to your growth, contributions, and state of mind.


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    Eric Worre
    Eric Worre
    We are on a mission to fill the world with Network Marketing Professionals.