
    Building Unshakeable Belief: Part 2

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    Belief in Network Marketing

    As you know, I’m a big advocate for Network Marketing and my belief in the profession is completely unshakable. But, that wasn’t always the case. It grew over time. And when my belief grew, so did my business.

    Here are a few things that can help you build belief in Network Marketing:

    1. Refer to Network Marketing as a ‘profession’ and not an industry. I’m on a campaign to eliminate the word ‘industry’ when it comes to describing our business. Network Marketing is a profession. It’s a career path. It’s not an industry, hobby, or lottery ticket. By referring to Network Marketing as a profession, you increase your belief and the belief of others in what it is that you do.

    2. Constantly find and share as many positive third-party resources as possible. There is an endless supply of books, blogs, articles, websites, videos, speakers, events, etc. that positively endorse and promote our profession. Learning from these resources and sharing the information they provide will help you build belief in the profession.

    3. Understand that Network Marketing isn’t perfect … it’s just better. Until I got clear on this, I had belief problems. I let some of the challenges of being involved in Network Marketing become bigger than they needed to be. But, once I figured out that if you have an entrepreneurial bone in your body, Network Marketing is better than any form of entrepreneurship out there, my belief became unshakable.

    4. Educate yourself on how to handle objections/misconceptions about Network Marketing. As they say, knowledge is power. And because Network Marketing isn’t perfect, it has its challenges. When you educate yourself and understand how to handle the questions and objections about Network Marketing, your belief in the profession will soar. It’s even more powerful when you’re able to answer your own questions about the profession and solidify to yourself that even though it’s not perfect … it’s better!

    Belief in Yourself

    The biggest challenge – and probably the most difficult for some – is building unshakable belief in yourself. Self-belief is such a big issue. And, believe it or not, this is an issue that even million-dollar earners deal with.


    This was something that I struggled with the most. I could believe in my company, my products, the compensation plan, even Network Marketing. But, when it came to believing in myself, it took many, many years to get solid. The good news is, if you struggle with this, Network Marketing is forgiving.

    Here are a few strategies that can help you build belief in yourself:

    1. Build your skills. If you develop some skills, that will help you build belief. Knowing that I had the skills to find prospects, make presentations, sign up distributors, and help other people do the same thing was probably the biggest contributor to help me develop belief in myself. Everything about your company, from the comp plan to the products, is the same for everybody. The only variable is YOU! So learn to embrace the fact that YOU and your skills are the most important aspects of your business. 

    2. Dedicate time to study. This can include a combination of reading, listening to audios, watching videos, and attending events. It also doesn’t always have to be all about studying skills. You can study human nature – including yourself and the habits that you need to change and/or reinforce. This is a valuable part of personal development. 

    3. Mind your associations. It’s a fact that you become the average of the five people you spend the most time with. This means you need to be very careful because if those people don’t believe in you, push you, and expect more of you they will actually decrease the belief that you have in yourself. 

    4. Give proper weight to other people’s opinions. Everyone has an opinion on everything. Because of this, you need to guard your mind from influences that will lower your belief in yourself. If someone is giving you something encouraging, use that to boost your belief in yourself. If someone is giving you something that is discouraging and doesn’t have any value, purge that information (and possibly even that person) out of your life.

    So remember – and repeat to yourself as often as necessary:





    You are enough to be able to prove people wrong who are questioning your decisions. You are enough to be able to figure out how to go all the way to the top in Network Marketing. And even though you might not have all of the skills and abilities right at this moment, you are enough just as you are right now

    Decide that you’re going to build unshakable belief in these areas – or any other areas in your life – and then, figure out the things that you need to do to really get grounded in your belief and do those things until your belief is unshakable.



    1. Having unshakeable belief in myself is definitely a challenge. It breaks my heart that I am not doing as well in my business as I feel I should be by now. It’s not for lack of trying. Feel like I’m stuck at the starting gate and cannot get the momentum going. Things get a little better and get going, then drop off.

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    Eric Worre
    Eric Worre
    We are on a mission to fill the world with Network Marketing Professionals.