
    Create Power and Impact

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    People outside of our profession don’t realize that not only does Network Marketing improve our lives and our family’s lives, but it also improves others’ lives. This is why having personal growth and contribution goals are so important in building your Network Marketing business. First, you create your own power and then you use it to impact the lives of others. The truth is, you can’t make a lot of money in Network Marketing without helping other people.

    So, what do you do when you finally decide to commit to building your Network Marketing business to improve your life and the lives of others, but you’re having trouble making a breakthrough

    Maybe your previous work is where you got your identity from. You had a system and everyone had a defined role to play, including you. But now that you’ve started your own Network Marketing business, it’s taking awhile to reprogram yourself to a building and helping-people mindset.

    If you’re having trouble getting started or moving forward and changing your mindset, you need TANGIBLE tasks to hold yourself accountable. This goes for your team as well. Sometimes people just need assignments, especially when they’re starting out. 

    Here’s what you can do to become unstoppable in creating power and impact in your life and the lives of others:

    1. Identify what is holding you back. This takes a high level of reflection and self awareness.
    2. Use coping skills (assignments) in the short term. This process will reprogram your mind in the long term.
    3. Review your results. Plan-Do-Review and give yourself a reasonable amount of time to improve.

    Here is a great coping skills assignment. I challenge you to meet with 20 people face-to-face in the next 7 days. Don’t TRY to do it. Move heaven and earth to DO IT. Be authentic. Tell them your story and about how you found a solution with your product or company. Tell them how excited you feel about the future now. Then, share your product with them. 

    This assignment will help you get started, and soon you will be giving yourself assignments. Once you have done this first one, if you’re still not strong enough to give yourself one, find a friend/partner to give you assignments and consequences.

    Creating your power and having an impact takes lifetime effort, but it’s worth it. I want you to have that breakthrough, so start reprogramming your mind so you can start becoming unstoppable.



    1. I am learning about what can create the impact really many person don’t know the network marketing works so here I learn what can do and be committed, focus to my goals and how can be consistency in my business for achieving what I want.
      Thank for teach me.

    2. Actually, time will come when people will be taking Network marketing as a course or subject in an higher institution or a private school. It’s not popular now because the evil people commit on online. Hence, people see Network marketing as an evil profession.

    3. Thanks so much for this news letter. I’m learning a lot and I’m also going to pass this knowledgeable skills to my team members.

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    Eric Worre
    Eric Worre
    We are on a mission to fill the world with Network Marketing Professionals.