
    How to Tell Your Story

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    There are various types of presentations that you need to develop if you want to be successful in Network Marketing. Why? Because all business is conversation. So you need to start talking! You need to have more conversations about your business and be comfortable when you have them. The first kind of presentation you need to have ready is Your Story.  

    Everyone has a story and I’m willing to bet that you are underutilizing yours. Your story  is one of the most valuable assets you have. And while it might seem easier to talk about facts, figures, statistics, product ingredients, compensation plan benefits, company brag points, events, etc., simply telling your story can be more impactful than you can ever imagine.

    You should be telling your story every chance you get. You’ll be surprised how fast you can make a connection with the other person. The most successful Network Marketing Professionals are the people who tell their story the best

    Your story should include 4 parts:

    • Your background
    • What you didn’t like about your background 
    • The solution you found
    • How you feel about the future  

    Now, if you’re like most people, you’ve probably only been telling others about the solution you found and how you feel about the future. This makes people feel uncomfortable. You have to include all 4 parts of your story, but the most important part by far is what you didn’t like about your background. People can relate to you when you share your pain and struggles. We have been taught not to share our weakness, but Network Marketing is a relationship business, and people need to know that you are willing to be vulnerable and then they will be vulnerable with you. You have to be real, honest, authentic and raw and people will feel connected to you.

    When you are preparing your story, start by writing it down and practicing it. Make sure to tell your story to EVERYONE… your family, your spouse, your kids, your pets, your friends, your co-workers. You’d be surprised, the closest people to you have probably never heard your REAL story. The more you practice, the better you’ll get at telling it and eventually you will know it by heart.



    1. muchas gracias soy nuevo en mercadeo en red, pero voy a poner en práctica todo los consejos y ayudas para sobre salir en este negocio por mi y mi familia

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    Eric Worre
    Eric Worre
    We are on a mission to fill the world with Network Marketing Professionals.