
    How to Turn Your Worst Day Into Your Best Day

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    All Network Marketing Professionals face moments of doubt and insecurity. It’s nothing to be ashamed of. The important thing is that you work to overcome these moments, and learn how to Turn Your Worst Day Into Your Best Day. 

    I want to share three of my own personal, private, profound moments. These moments had a deep psychological impact on me, and helped me learn how to take a negative situation and turn it into a positive one.

    When I was young and first starting out in Network Marketing, I summoned all of my courage to call on someone I idolized. I had it all mapped out in my head – what to say and do – but when I finally got the opportunity, I choked. I couldn’t get out the words I wanted to say, and my idol crushed my dreams. As painful as this was, rather than having a pity party, I got mad, and it became a defining moment of clarity and goal setting

    Even after being in the profession for a while, I struggled to find people to talk to and I didn’t feel like I was making good decisions. At one point, the electricity in my home was shut off for 30 days while me and my family were away for the summer. It just happened that I arrived home before the rest of my family. When I discovered the electricity had been turned off, I panicked. I tried to get the rotted food and the horrid, rancid smell out of the house before my wife got home. I felt like a failure and loathed myself because I knew I wasn’t a good provider.

    But rather than wallow in self-doubt, I took a moment to deeply breathe in the horrid smell of rotting meat, and turn the negative into a positive. I made the mental decision that I was going to commit that smell to memory and do whatever I needed to do for my family. The next time I felt lazy or procrastinated, I remembered that smell and that moment, and I pushed harder. I dug deeper because I decided that I wasn’t going to give up on my dreams, I was going to make them happen and not look for any shortcuts. 

    On my third worst to best day, I had pushed and worked very hard for a rank advancement. I came close, so very close, but I didn’t reach my desired rank. I was crushed. I remember being at the company convention and watching those who had qualified walk across the stage and feeling despondent. But at that same moment, I realized that I had been operating in amateur mode, and I committed to becoming a true Network Marketing Professional in order to take my business all the way to the top. 

    We all have stories of being rejected, having money problems, not being as advanced in the company as we would like to be, and experiencing moments of doubt. I hope these stories demonstrate how you can take moments of self-doubt and insecurity and turn Your Worst Day Into Your Best Day.


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    Eric Worre
    Eric Worre
    We are on a mission to fill the world with Network Marketing Professionals.