
    Leadership: Appearance, Culture & Problem Solving

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    If you’re  a leader, or want to become one, your appearance, team culture and problem solving abilities can make a big difference in your Network Marketing business. 

    How you dress and how you look really matters in your organization. I dress the way I dress very intentionally. You don’t have to dress the way I do to be a good leader but your appearance and image should be very intentional. Your look should be designed for a specific purpose. You should be appropriate to your environment and slightly better dressed than anyone in the room. Be authentic, be real, but wear what a leader would wear

    Carry yourself like a professional. You shouldn’t be sloppy. How you look sends a message that either builds or breaks down confidence. If people have confidence in you they will take more action. If you approach your business casually you will have less productivity. 

    The concept of culture is also essential in Network Marketing. Your team’s culture is a product of your leadership. What do you want your team to be known for? Do you want them to be known for being positive, sharp or glamorous? Or for being sloppy, casual and rebellious? All of these are fine as long as it’s a decision. But remember, culture is a reflection of the leader. 

    You could have a culture of team members who are early for every appointment and event, or one where they are late for everything. Your team could be known for velocity and speed or being slow and stagnant. Which will make you more money? You decide what you want your team to be known for. Be consciously aware of it because what you do, your team will do

    Another important part of leadership in our business is problem solving. And not in the way you might think. The bigger the problem, the bigger the paycheck. Your ability to earn is directly connected to the size of the problems you’re able to solve and the number of people who are served by the solution. Leaders need to show up when obstacles appear. The more problems you solve, the less you will panic when a problem comes up and the better you will get at solving problems. 

    If you solve enough problems for enough people over time, you will be that leader people follow. You also need to look at the problems that reoccur in your organization and become an expert at showing your team how to solve those problems for themselves. How do you do that? You plant a vision in their mind. The leader plants the vision because it’s bigger than their team members’ vision. You help them to see what is possible if they change their way of thinking. 

    So, be intentional about your appearance, team culture and problem solving and you’ll be on your way to building a successful team.



    1. Wow, thanks for a mind blowing presentation. Going forward, I will be more intentional with what I do with my team. I really want to build a team and be known for something. I do not want to just be passive .

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    Eric Worre
    Eric Worre
    We are on a mission to fill the world with Network Marketing Professionals.