Are you Network Marketing needy? Do you feel like you need someone to hold your hand while you build your business?
It’s time to let go of being needy and become independent. As my mentor Jim Rohn once said, “Life doesn’t respond to need. Life responds to deserve.” You might not want to admit that you are depending on someone else to become successful, but your future in Network Marketing hinges on you becoming independent.
Work harder on deserving something rather than needing something. Stop relying on someone else to tell you what training and support you need to grow your business. Looking for constant support from your upline isn’t doing you any favors and being needy is an employee’s mindset, not an entrepreneur mindset. So get fired up and snap out of it and make things happen!

Start changing the way you think – you don’t need your upline because you are going to make it happen on your own. You might call on them as a resource, but if they’re not available, it won’t be an excuse for your lack of achievement.
In order to reach a high level of success, you’ve got to become a self-starter. You’ve got to set goals, get more training, and seek out knowledge and mentors. Become someone that deserves, not someone who needs. It’s time to walk away from the employee mindset and start thinking like a true successful entrepreneur who will create opportunities, even where they don’t exist. No problem is ever too big when you change your mindset.
So don’t wait for permission. Stop being needy and take initiative. Be a person that creates success through hard work. Only then will you deserve to be the best.