In the Network Marketing Profession, great presenters are people who can tell their story, explain the product, share the compensation plan and complete a call to action. Increasing the number of quality presenters in your organization is the key to constantly growing your team.
Typically there are only a few really good presenters in an organization. For me, learning how to be a presenter was a dramatic confidence booster that helped me to grow my business. I felt ready to tell my story whether I had a tool in front of me or not. I could help my team by telling my story for them and being a third party tool. There were days that I didn’t feel like working on my Network Marketing business, but whenever I pushed through and did a presentation, by the end of it I was motivated and wondering why I was having a bad day in the first place.
To begin to create more quality presenters on your team, create a Presentation School to train people. Remember, the goal is to increase the number of people who can tell their story, explain the product, share the compensation plan and complete a call to action.

Take inventory of your team and ask them who would like to become a great presenter. You’re going to get a lot of people that want an opportunity! Then, pick one night a week and practice presenting in a safe, non-judgemental environment.
The most stable and growing organizations have the most quality presenters. Presenters are critical in Network Marketing. Without them, belief cannot be created. Once you teach somebody to be a great presenter, they can go out on their own and use the skills they learned over and over again.
So to start seeing dramatic results in your business, create your Presentation School today!