
    The Core Principles of Follow Up

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    Following up is one of the most important skills in Network Marketing. More duplication, results and long-term success come from following up than anything else

    But many people have a hard time following up, and it may be due to this damaging Network Marketing saying…

    “Some will. Some won’t. So what? Next!” 

    The intention of this philosophy is, don’t put too much effort into any one person because there is always someone else to recruit. The problem with this is that it’s been taken too literally. If someone isn’t interested right away, we may have the tendency to use this mentality as our defense, and we never bother following up. And that’s not the right thing to do.

    So once you have started the recruiting process, how do you stay engaged with someone?

    We follow up with another exposure, with everyone. And the only reason to have an exposure is to schedule the next one. In other words, to follow up.

    Exposures can be one-on-ones, showing a video, a 3-way phone call or message, someone trying the product, an event, giving someone a website or brochure, a webinar, a conference call, a home meeting, an article, telling a story or sending a voice or text message. An exposure should build trust, confidence and belief

    Remember, your goal isn’t to “get” someone. Your goal is education and understanding, or educating your prospect to the point where they understand what you have to offer. 

    The point of an exposure is you are trying to create 3 thoughts…

    1. This looks simple.
    2. I think it will work.
    3. I think I could do this.

    When I first started in Network Marketing, if someone told me they would think about it, or gave me any excuse at all, I would never follow up with them at all. In other words, I would run away.

    That eventually evolved into me arguing with them. If someone told me they didn’t have enough time, I would say, “Of course you have enough time!” I would be really aggressive with them. 

    Fortunately though, I started to notice what the professionals did. They would have patience, but with urgency. They wanted to help the person they were talking to, not convince them. They would guide them towards a solution and weren’t afraid of questions or objections. They would simply guide people from exposure to exposure.

    Why did they do this? Because all business is conversation! And what you need to do is keep the conversation going. That is the basis of follow up.

    I have a friend who patiently brought exposures to a mutual friend FOR 12 YEARS. He just kept the conversation going. One day, the mutual friend was finally in the right place in her life and she said yes to the opportunity. She now makes about $1 million a year through her Network Marketing business. Was it worth being patient? Of course. But it’s important to know, he wasn’t only talking to her, he was talking to everybody, including her.  

    Here are some principles that are important when it comes to following up:

    • Remember that you have the gift. 
    • Be patient – but with urgency. Meaning be patient with people but remember that if someone is going to become a customer or distributor, the sooner the better.
    • Understand that it is going to take multiple exposures –  usually at least 4-6 for a new distributor. 
    • Questions and objections are your friends. Don’t be afraid of them. These will help you to educate people. 
    • Don’t fall in love with someone’s potential.
    • Talk to more people.
    • Don’t be desperate and needy.
    • Have good posture – shoulders back, chest out and chin up.
    • Showcase your belief in yourself, your profession, the company and most importantly, them.

    The more conversations you have, the more your posture will change. And when your posture changes, their response to you will change! 

    So stop running away and start following up!


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    Eric Worre
    Eric Worre
    We are on a mission to fill the world with Network Marketing Professionals.