
    The Formula for Financial Independence

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    Are you frustrated because you’ve been doing anything and everything to become successful in the Network Marketing Profession, yet nothing is working? We are conditioned to think that if we work really hard and do everything ourselves, we’ll be successful. But this profession is different. In order to succeed, you have to follow The Formula for Financial Independence

    This is fundamental. One way or another you must come around to it. It’s not a theory or a tactic, but a very specific formula. If you follow it, you will have success, and if you don’t, you won’t. It’s as simple as that.

    The key idea behind The Formula for Financial Independence is…

    To get a group of people to do a few simple things consistently over a long period of time.

    This is the only way you can get duplication for long term residual income. Period. It’s different from a sales-minded or traditional business owner’s mindset, which is, I’ll do it all and make it happen. That may be true for most businesses, but in the Network Marketing profession, you have to use all your passion, leadership skills and influence to get OTHER people to take action.

    So how do you do this?

    By using 3rd party tools and systems.

    Whatever you want to use to introduce prospects to your opportunity, you must ask yourself this question about it – will everyone be able to do this? Is it quick and easy to do? Most people don’t have hours of free time to spend being introduced to your opportunity, so you have to make it easy for them. A couple ideas – maybe a quick video or Zoom call.

    In order to keep your existing team members focused on what they should be doing on a daily basis, you need to create systems – established ways of doing things that everyone is aware of. Let’s say you want to take a week off, if your systems are in place, everyone will know what they are supposed to be doing while you are gone. 

    The Formula for Financial Independence is your ticket to freedom. If you follow it, you’ll win. If you don’t, you’ll lose. Period. So start implementing this formula in your business today.


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    Eric Worre
    Eric Worre
    We are on a mission to fill the world with Network Marketing Professionals.