
    The Most Powerful Force in the World

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    By Eric Worre

    I want to talk about the most powerful force on earth. This force creates more wealth, abundance, productivity and results than any other force on earth. It’s not money, or talent or ability…

    It’s the power of your imagination.

    Years ago I read a book called Illusions: The Adventures of a Reluctant Messiah by Richard Bach. It talks about the imagination and how you can create a better version of your life, a better organization, a better business, more sales, more recruits and more results if you unlock and unleash your imagination. I recommend you read this book too. 

    Imagination is the difference between the average person and superstars. All the greats – Elon Musk, the late Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, Richard Branson – imagine bigger than other people. Great world leaders like Nelson Mandela and Martin Luther King Jr. also imagined bigger. They could all see something clearly in their mind before it became reality.

    Most people on the other hand can only see so far so they rely on others, like their company or their team, to be creative and resourceful. But if you decide to rely on your imagination instead of on others, everything will change in a positive way. 

    Here are the three things you should do to unleash your imagination:

    1. Get your future clear in your mind. 

    Imagine where you want every aspect of your business to be. Get it clear in your mind. Think about what is going to happen before it does. Doing this will create focus and your actions will start to change.

    2. Expand your imagination.

    This will feel unrealistic to you. Imagine bigger, bolder, more successful and more abundant than you have ever given yourself permission to before. Imagine yourself helping more people and becoming a version of yourself that you can’t even recognize right now.  

    3. Use your imagination to be adaptable and creative. 

    When other people are focused on the problem, what creativity can you offer? How resourceful and adaptable can you be? What can you do when others are paralized? Be adaptable and imagine creative ways to tell people about your product or opportunity. Keep your team focused and more productive.

    Your imagination is the most powerful force on earth, so use it. It was given to you for a reason. 



    1. I imagined myself out of a wheelchair 35 years..
      Closed head and spinal cord injury…
      Spent a year in a wheelchair until I envisioned myself out of it..

    2. You have become a mellifluous principality in network marketing and life in general by your focus till today.
      Am Felix Buorich in Nigeria and just by following you since 2019,I can tell you Crystally clear that I have become a success
      Thanks so much sir

    3. Thank you so much for the newsletters sir. They’ve been really helpful. I joined Network Marketing and wanted to create a career out of it. Really want to be a Pro in Network Marketing. I used to feel as to give up but your letters tell me there is more to this profession. Thank you.

    4. Please never more mention MK Ultras or Masonic psychopaths as your references… Those guys are over: Gates, Musk, etc…

    5. Wow I always believe d in imagination great u feel the same way ore think so too i believe there’s a better world for my I’m soon starting to move out of her and save money a lot wow

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    Eric Worre
    Eric Worre
    We are on a mission to fill the world with Network Marketing Professionals.