In the Network Marketing Profession, supercharging your learning can help you grow your business faster. The number one fastest way to learn is through activity. In other words, to learn by “doing.”
So what’s the second most powerful way to learn? By getting a coach. This is one of my secrets of success. What’s great about Network Marketing is that we already have people in our network who are invested in us and want to see us succeed. Find individuals who have the skills you want and are in the position that you want to be in. Follow their example, listen to what they have to say, and learn from them.
Sometimes you’ll find mentors in your upline and sometimes you won’t. My biggest mentors were never in my upline. They were other people within the profession that had achieved what I wanted to.
Sometimes the best mentors in your life are virtual mentors. Many of my greatest mentors are people I’ve never met. I learned the most from Jim Rohn, my number one personal development mentor. I listened to audios, watched videos, read books – I studied every type of learning material that he had produced or recommended. Before I was able to meet Jim Rohn, he became a virtual friend that changed my life.

But Jim wasn’t my only mentor. I worked with many different coaches and mentors when I realized how much it helped my development as a professional.
Finding coaches and mentors – in person or virtually – will help you get past your limiting beliefs and succeed in your business. Don’t be ashamed of wanting to learn from somebody else. It’s alright to ask for help! Coaches and mentors literally shrink your learning time, so leverage their experience to grow and learn faster.