
    Why Network Marketing Prospects Lie

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    If you work in the Network Marketing Profession, I can pretty much guarantee that at some point, a prospect has lied to you. You may have realized it and you may not have realized it, but what’s really important to know is why prospects lie and what can we do about it

    Prospects lie because we’ve been trained by society to be skeptical when we are approached with an opportunity. People get nervous. And even if just the night before a prospect was praying for an opportunity to present itself, when you show up the next day and tell them you have an opportunity you want to share with them, their immediate auto-pilot response is to say that they are not interested.

    There are many reasons they might give for not being interested. A common one is “I’m too busy.” They might be so focused on what they have going on right now in their life that they just automatically respond no because the thought of taking anything else on is overwhelming. 

    However, many if not most people are actively searching for an opportunity to improve their financial future, so how do you respond to the auto-pilot response?

    Be patient and basically ignore it. 

    No matter what their reason, tell them that you understand completely but that you just want to explain what you do and if they are still not interested after that, it’s fine. 

    And remember, even if they are still not interested in that moment, it doesn’t mean they won’t be in the future. 

    So to sum up…

    The first step to overcoming prospects lying is recognizing why they do it, and that this phenomenon is not based on anything real. It’s based on an illusion that causes an auto-pilot response. 

    The second step is to ignore the lie. The goal is not to convince somebody to do anything. The goal is just to get them distracted enough from their daily life in their daily grind to take a look at the opportunity and understand it. 

    Note: Don’t be emotionally attached to the outcome, just to them understanding what you do. And whatever you do, don’t call them out on the lie.

    The third step is to move through the process of presenting your opportunity while making sure your prospect feels as comfortable as possible. Don’t be pushy.

    Now that you know why prospects lie and what you can do about it, presenting should come a little easier to you.


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    Eric Worre
    Eric Worre
    We are on a mission to fill the world with Network Marketing Professionals.