If there’s one thing that’s really important in the Network Marketing Profession, it’s learning, but what’s even more important is taking that learning and turning it into action.
Network Marketing Professionals are more passionately devoted to learning and growth than any other organization on earth. We devour personal development content. We buy books, we read, we listen to podcasts and watch videos. We attend events and take notes. We’re constantly learning and feeding our minds. But in order to be successful, you’ve to take all that learning and apply it to your daily tasks. In other words, if you’re feeling frozen, you’ve gotta get out of your head and get into action.

Personal development without action is useless. Do you know someone who has all kinds of degrees, but isn’t successful? That’s because they aren’t using the wisdom they’ve gained. It’s all trapped in their head and is lost and wasted.
Learning itself does not create income, action creates income. Learning won’t grow a network or create duplication. That doesn’t mean that learning isn’t important, but unless you put your learning into action, you will become the most educated, underperforming person around. You’ll have all the answers but none of the income.
I made this mistake when I was young and starting out in Network Marketing. I knew all of the ingredients in every product, I knew every single aspect of the compensation plan, I knew every answer to every question, but I never rank advanced. I had the knowledge, but I didn’t apply it to my business. I was hiding behind the knowledgeI was frozen. And I didn’t become successful until I got out of my head and got into action.
Here’s an example – even if you are nervous and don’t feel completely prepared, do a presentation, and afterwards, you think about what you could have done better, and do that next time. It’s that simple, and you can do this with any Network Marketing skill you need to get better at.
So remember, in Network Marketing, most learning is in the doing. If you are feeling frozen, get out of your head, take a leap of faith, take all that you’ve learned and put it into action.