
    Simple 4-Word Question To Expand Your Network

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    One major hurdle Network Marketers often face is not really knowing how to expand their network beyond who they already know. You know that connecting with the right people can skyrocket your business, but how do you get these introductions? 

    The key lies in a simple, yet often overlooked strategy: Just ask for help. 

    Yes, it’s that straightforward. And the idea of directly asking for help may even make you feel uncomfortable at first, but the important thing to remember is asking for help only requires the ask and nothing more. 

    There’s no convincing of this or proving of that or hard selling yourself. 

    It’s simply just a matter of asking a simple 4-word question: Will you help me?

    Why does this work so well? It’s because people generally like to help, especially when they see you’re genuine and passionate about what you do. But there’s a catch – you’ve got to do it the right way.

    Here’s how to ask for help:

    Build Genuine Relationships: First, focus on building real, meaningful connections with people. Show interest in others, their challenges, and their successes. Networking is not just a numbers game – it’s about creating REAL bonds.

    Be Specific In Your Request: When you ask for help, be clear about what you’re looking for. Remember, vague requests get vague results. If you’re looking for introductions to specific types of professionals, say so!

    Demonstrate Your Value: Make it clear what you bring to the table. People are more likely to introduce you to their contacts if they know exactly what it is that you do and what you can offer.

    Reciprocate Generously: Always look for ways to give back. Whether it’s sharing your expertise, offering support, or connecting them with someone in your network, reciprocity builds trust and willingness to help. 

    Say ‘Thank You’… And MEAN It: Never underestimate the power of a sincere ‘thank you.’ Appreciation goes a long way in strengthening relationships.

    Expanding your network in Network Marketing doesn’t require complex tactics. Often, it’s about going back to basics: building genuine relationships and simply asking for help. 
    People always want to help those they trust and respect. So, build that trust, show your value, and don’t be afraid to ask.


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    Eric Worre
    Eric Worre
    We are on a mission to fill the world with Network Marketing Professionals.